HeTang Village Landscape design

Hunan Province, WuGang City
area 60700m2
commissioned by WuGang Local Government 2018

The local government wanted to develop the HeTang village to attract tourists. After a successful general concept design of HeTangvillage, the government ordered a follow-up detailed design and construction drawings for the further developmentof the mainpublicareas of the village. Existing parking areas and some precedingly built landscape elements, such as a recreational lotus pond, were redesigned to better match the rural image. Rainwater management was a part of the landscape design creating some small ponds and designed water pools. Suggestions for visual improvements of the farming fields, for example by erecting small stone retaining walls, were made. The central dirt roads and dirt yards were designed to be paved appropriately, which would augment the level of safety and make pedestrian circulation much more comfortable. Refurbishment design of several existing small ruralbuildings was done in collaboration witharchitects. These buildings would highlight the important areas and provide needed new services to the visitors. The central square was carefully redesigned as the most important node of the village structure.

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